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The welfare of the dog. She makes training fun and mentally stimulating for the dogs. That fun carries over into the show ring, in spite of the fact that Paige is very serious and competitive. And she is always very professional and considerate of her fellow exhibitors. Paige breeds and shows standard poodles under the kennel name Bandire. We recommend Leashes by Lyndale! Custom Kangaroo leads and collars.
Riesenheim Kirk Rofe-Moss
Kirk Rofe-Moss Kirk Rofe-Moss
Byways Keenthorne, Nether Stowey
Somerset, Somerset, TA5 1HZ
StreamlineNet On Behalf of a customer
Castle Square
Melbourne, Derbyshire, DE73 8DY
Knusprig und voll Geschmack - unser Brot und Gebäck. Unser Brot und Gebäck wir in liebevoller Handarbeit hergestellt. Mit Sorgfalt und in bester Handwerks-Tradition.
The Laboratory for Computational Cognitive Neuroscience. The lab investigates the neurocomputational mechanisms underlying human object recognition as a gateway to understanding the neural bases of intelligent behavior. Click on an individual slide to learn about our most recent results. To check out some ongoing projects.
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Mimosúdne riešenie sporov a poradenstvo. Mediácia je mimosúdny, neformálny a kultivovaný spôsob riešenia konfliktov za pomoci tretej strany - mediátora. Je to metóda rýchleho a efektívneho riešenia sporov, v ktorom sú obe strany prítomné dobrovoľne. Cieľom mediácie je dospieť k prijateľnej dohode pre obe zúčastnené strany. Spolužitie manželov, ich vzájomný vzťah a spoločný majetok.